
Reshaping of the nose for better form and function


The nose is one of the main defining features of the face.  An intricate arrangement of bony, cartilaginous and soft tissue elements make up its various aesthetic subunits.  Due to its complexity, a minor anomaly of one anatomical component may lead to a noticeable disharmony and therefore patient dissatisfaction with the overall facial appearance.

The goals of a rhinoplasty are guided by your areas of concern.  Ensuring that the shape and size of your nose is harmonious and in keeping with your overall natural facial appearance, is paramount.  A rhinoplasty is carried out through either a closed or open approach, depending on the individual case.  The priority is to achieve the desired result with as little disruption as possible.  Dr Azzopardi’s preferred technique is a closed preservation rhinoplasty.  This allows modification of various elements, such as a dorsal hump, septal deviation and nasal tip, with minimal exposure and disruption, and no external scar, therefore preserving the relationship of the different anatomical components as much as possible.

Having a clear set of realistic goals and expectations is critical to ensure a confident perioperative journey and satisfactory outcome.  We will endeavour to clearly define your areas of concern and outline what can be realistically achieved and how, before embarking on any surgery.

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Frequently Asked Questions

At what age can I have a rhinoplasty?

Although many patients who present for a rhinoplasty describe being bothered by the shape of their nose from a very early age, it is only offered once growth is complete in order to have a more predictable result. Minimum age is 18.

What is the difference between a closed and open rhinoplasty?

Closed means incisions are only made on the inside of the nose and therefore can’t be seen.  An open approach uses an additional small incision across the external skin of the columella and includes elevation of the skin above and beyond the nasal tip. The choice is determined by the case at hand. In a primary uncomplicated presentation, my preference is to carry out a closed rhinoplasty.  Not only does this mean no external scar, it also contributes to less post operative swelling and a quicker recovery.

What is a preservation rhinoplasty?

My preference is to perform a closed preservation rhinoplasty. Preservation means that structural elements of the nose, such as a dorsal hump, septal deviation and nasal tip are addressed through the least anatomical disruption as possible.  The relationship between the different tissue elements such as the skin, bones and cartilage are respected and predominantly preserved.  The concept is therefore to achieve the desired shape change without first having to dissemble the nose.

What type of anaesthesia do I require and how long will I be in hospital for?

General anaesthetic.  A rhinoplasty is done as a day procedure which means you can be discharged within a few hours of your surgery.  

How long does the surgery take?

This very much depends on the complexity of the presentation.  A primary uncomplicated case requiring refinement of a dorsal hump, septal deviation and nasal tip takes about 2 hours.

Is it a painful operation and what is the recovery like?

A rhinoplasty is not typically painful.  Discomfort due to swelling and a blocked sensation is to be expected. The tip of the nose may also feel numb for several months.  You will wake up with a nasal splint that stays on for one week.  Most patients feel comfortable resuming their social life within 1-2 weeks.  Depending on the intensity, most sports can be performed after 6 weeks. Avoid contact sports for 3 months.


What are the potential risks and complications? Access a detailed surgical procedure information sheet by the Australian Society of Plastic Surgeons here.